February 10, 2009

The routine life

Yesterday was such a normal day that it just now struck me as such! I went to a yoga class, then to the yoga instructor's husband, an optician. I ordered two pairs of prescription reading glasses after the exam, all for $100US, then went to brunch.
There, at Alexia and Geovanny's, I met a 40 year old builder from Memphis, who was born on Isla. He is on the verge of going under there and wants to sell his inventory and buy a lot here and build a home for his family and his father. Today he was going to Cancun to see what lumber and fittings are available and how much can be saved by buying cement block by the truckload.
Augustin was suck a nice man. I wish him all the luck in the world! He'll be in a perfect position to become a great homebuilder for gringos on the island, after he gets his family settled here in the recession.
Then, I came home and fooled around with my correspondence. After a while, Kelly said she was going to La Bruja for guacamole. I asked her to get me a shrimp cocktail, which I ate and then launched into reading and a siesta. Jose was two hours late, so I said pasada manana....day after tomorrow which would now be tomorrow.
So, I am waiting for Carmen and eager to get back to the new Carl Hiassen book a blog reader left at Miguel's Moonlite. Funny note: My upstairs renters apparently stumbled across Miguel's on their own and were all ready to make mojitos yesterday. But the mint didn't smell like mint.
It was epazote, an herb used in black beans. I had picked up yerba buena with my cilantro Sunday morning, so they were set.
So, after all the excitement of seeing Kelly off, I think I'll read, maybe watch for Adrian who did stop by when I wasn't home yesterday to install a new wireless router for computers in the compound, reopen my book, maybe take a nap and go up to the roof to sun myself and treat the pool.
Welll, Carmen just arrived and we agreed my quarters need the attention today and she'd do Kelly's old room Friday for Monday's expected guests. She's launched into what Jose was to do yesterday as well.
Me, I think I'll clean up after the mushroom ravioli I had for breakfast!

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