October 11, 2009

This is an interim post!

I want to blog about how great the dentist is and how good it is the police prosecutor has a new head of investigations. But first I need a nap and want to shout some real news:
RICARDO GAITAN IS BACK! Isla's long suffering H1N1 patient is back in business, opening his optical shop in Salina Grande, the road with the Pemex store, across the street of Dona Mary and a bakery. This is such good news for islanders and such good news for this avid reader, whose eyes and 225 and 275! Yippee skipppee!
Now I'll take my book and drive myself crazy before nappying. The disparity between my eyse has had me reading less than I like. One set of glasses lost a lense and I stepped on the other, breaking a stem! Wooohooo!
Welcome back, Ricardo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he has recovered so well!

aka Isla Chica