Another recessionary low season night in Centro at Miguel's Moonlite. I took Mirka, the Polish humanitarian worker, out for mojitos and Scott made it dinner! For a 200 peso tip, Gregorio seranaded us for a full set. We had everyone's undivided attention.
Scott and Mirka found a lot to talk about. Her experiences have been vast, even though she is only 28. She speaks Polish, English, Arabic and Farsi. She has scubaed in Thailand, Egypt, Israel and now, courtesy of Enrique's Unique Dives, Isla Mujeres. While in Madagascar, she learned to love mangoes, which were free for the picking, never sold. And when in Poland, she is in charge of making the guacamole. The cost about $1.50US there. So she even had it for breakfast during her walk to Punta Sur and back her last day. You'll be missed! She came to me via Couch Surfers and brought me a coveted jar of dried mushrooms, the only payment! But you can hardly get them anywhere! Worth their weight in gold at Christmas time!
A good night at Miguel´s Moonlight!
Scott without a pirate's hat! Looks like a fun night!
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