August 17, 2012


Expenditures, gastos. I am setting what feels like a record, which it is not. But coming back after a month in the US, during which I shopped for things for the apartments and for my modest wardrobe, it stings!
 I have reupholstered the golf cart, given it new brakes, fixed a hole in the guest house roof, had the water storage tanks cleaned, sent the VW in for repairs, had the normal parade of 20 dollar a day workers pass through to catch up on cleaning and gardening, fixed the screens and paid all but $50 of the bill to replace two crowns mangled in Ohio. I expect to have them put on tonight or Monday, depending on the Navy's role in the Isla Mujeres Anniversary celebration. My dentist is oral surgeon to the Navy, an officer.
 So...that written, I'm off to the ATM near City Hall and the license office for her tag. Less than $4US, thank God for small favors!


Anonymous said...


Zina Vishnevsky said...

Hey, it's my blog! Don't be coming here to "just say" whatever and run. The rules have changed. It's not a nicey nice blog with a cute pic and some text. It's how I feel and how I am affected by isues that I am giving myself permission to write about. No, I didn't ask you.

drgeo said...

I like your sour puss attitude, but then I also like sauerkraut and sourball jawbreakers. And sour pickles too! Hope your VW keeps you dry in the rainy season --which ride does Punta dog prefer?

Zina Vishnevsky said...

I like all the sours, too. I guess that 'splains it. Punta loves the golf cart because she can hop off leash and run along side, then get back in if she feels threatened by a street dog. We are getting rid of the VW for space and the collateral damage the issue has caused; ball bounces, side swipes, etc.

Anonymous said...

Zina - I have been reading your blogs for years now and love your thoughts and comments. I especially like your photos of Punta dog and all the goings on in Isla. I would love you to create even more comments!

Zina Vishnevsky said...

Maybe I can become more rounded out. But for now it's difficult. The MS has me pretty much house bound. Three days ago, I was able to walk 75 feet with a cane. Today it is 20 with a walker.

Anonymous said...

another vote of support for this blog which I enjoy reading. Realistic comments are more interesting and easier to identify with and if that is sour I am too. I call it realism. Guess it depends on the reader. Zina has, from what I have gathered, a newspaper background and I think that influence makes here blog all the more interesting. Its not fiction and life is not without challenges for any of us. Thank you Zina.

Anonymous said...

Zina - I hope you start to feel better so you can get around more and write more blogs to us!!

texusrhed said...

zina zina, i'm glad to see you writing more. i would've have followed you when you were at the dealer years ago. i hope the MS eases up and allows you a little more freedom in the near future.

please keep writing from the heart and giving us a peak into your window! life is life and it's not always rainbows n kitties but every day is a holiday and every meal is a feast. said...

love all your comments!!!!it's your blog..
have been reading you since you were starting a babysitting service!!!!
for those that complain, DON'T READ IT !!!

Anonymous said...

i too love you blog , have been off the main land for ,well more than the writer, i believe that we should band as x pats but like, or no like. we can all write a journal .if this life is that different. then embrace it . its that we did ! write on!