April 14, 2009

It's always something

This is my carpenter, Luis Mendiburo, tacking up new screen cloth on the front door. Hunter green. I think it goes nice with the new fence, every other post of which is hunter green, the others orange. Screen cloth here lasts two seasons if you are lucky. My luck ran out.
Luis is more than a carpenter. He is an artist who makes sculptures out of wood. You should see his nude! He also makes shadow boxes and the like. He is a fine craftsman who has found his nitch on Isla: doing interiors of yachts. I get him between gigs.
He built a shade cloth roof for the pool and suggests we get rid of the green screening along the wall, to be replaced with beige shade cloth providing 50 percent sunscreen, just like the pool roof.
So at week's end, I'll be making a trip to Home Depot, and the consulate on a tax matter. Ugh, another trip to Cancun. But it has been a month and my bleu cheese is running low, as are Lora's doggie treats. So there will be Soriana's this time, next to Home Depot.
The garden, however, is reaping rewards, ending riddles of how to get stuff here from Cancun. I have pickles from the garden. A couple a day, not enough to put in brine, but they are so yummy in salads! Hmmm, with baby dill. And I got a good head of romaine on the island they other day.
So, we'll be shopping for creature comforts in Cancun!

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